Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE)
CSPE (Civic, Social and Political Education) is currently a Junior Certificate course in Active Citizenship, based on Human Rights and Social Responsibilities. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are the two key documents which underpin this course.
Students have one 40 minute class period per week, in first, second and third year. This subject is studied at common level.The main aim of CSPE is to develop active citizens with a sense of belonging, and an ability and confidence to participate in democratic society.It also develops students' confidence, agency and engagement which are important characteristics of student wellbeing.
The new short course was introduced in Sept 2017. From Sept 2017 all students studying CSPE will do so as a short course of 100 hours as part of a wellbeing programme within the junior cycle. The short course revolves around three strands, Rights and responsibilities, Global citizenship and Exploring democracy.
Students engage in activities such as participating in discussions, giving talks, getting involved in campaigns and listening to guest speakers. This new short course is assessed through classroom based assessments undertaken in second or third year.