Mission statement:
To keep History at the core of the curriculum at Kinsale Community School, and to reach out into the community both locally and nationally in the formation of identity and culture.
- To maintain History as a core subject at Junior Cycle at Kinsale Community School into the future.
- To maintain History as a Senior Cycle subject at Kinsale Community School.
- To link students to their local community through the study of History.
- To help to forge identity in students through the teaching of History.
- To create and maintain links with local cultural and historical groups.
- To teach History to students effectively at all levels of the spectrum.
- To strive to continuously update the skills of teachers in the department through continuing CPD and membership of and participation in the Cork History Teacher’s Association.
- That students will develop an appreciation of History as a key to understanding the world around them.
- That students will develop skills in literacy and independent research.
- Students will learn to think critically about contemporary and historical issues.
- Students will understand the development of society, politics and culture.
- Students will be able to apply these skills in a variety of practical contexts.
- Students will develop an enjoyment of learning through History.
Subject Teachers names: Diarmaid O’Donovan, Bertie Pearse, Tracy Fleming, Robert Bergin, Kevin Madigan, Niamh Sheehan, Geraldine Sheehy, Niall Murphy, Joanne O’Connor, Laura Ann Dunne, Orla Cronin.
Coordinator: Diarmaid O’Donovan
History is a core subject at Kinsale Community School. The syllabus laid down by the NCCA is followed by all teachers of the subject. The textbook currently being used is the latest (2016) edition of The Past Todayby Dermot Lucy. All teachers are encouraged to utilise the many external resources available to them on each section of the course. Three 40 minute classes are provided on the timetable, as recommended by the NCCA.
History is an option chosen by students for the Leaving Certificate. The later modern course option is followed. Teachers are free to pick from the course options that are available according to their preferences. Much focus is given to the research project which constitutes 20% of the final mark. All History teachers are encouraged to teach at LC level should they wish to gain the experience. At the moment (2016-2017) Diarmaid O’Donovan and Robert Bergin are the LC History teachers. Five 40 minute class periods are allocated for senior History, as recommended by the NCCA.