Transition Year Students Gain Insight into Leaving Certificate Subject Choices

On Wednesday, 22nd January, all Transition Year students gathered in our new theatre ‘The Shane Fitzsimons Riverside Theatre’ for an insightful and engaging presentation about subject choices for the Leaving Certificate. Organised by the Guidance Department, this event provided students with a unique opportunity to hear directly from Sixth-Year students about their experiences with the subjects available for selection.

During the presentation, Sixth Year students introduced the twenty optional subjects that can be taken in addition to the compulsory core subjects. They shared valuable insights into why they chose their respective subjects, what they enjoy about them, and the challenges they have encountered. This student-led perspective was particularly valuable, as Transition Year students had already received presentations in class outlining the content and assessment structure of each subject. Hearing first-hand experiences from older students added a practical and relatable dimension to their decision-making process.

In addition to subject choices for the traditional Leaving Certificate, students also learned about alternative pathways, including the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme. The LCA is a two-year course that focuses on continuous assessment and is classified as a Level 4 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications, in contrast to the Level 5 classification of the Leaving Certificate Established.

This presentation, along with the recent Careers Fair, aims to ensure that students make well-informed decisions about their subject choices. Since the Leaving Certificate curriculum delves deeply into each subject, it is crucial that students select subjects that align with their interests and learning styles, ultimately helping them to achieve their full potential in their final exams.

Transition Year students must finalise their subject choices this week before heading out for two weeks of work experience, followed by the midterm break. We hope that the knowledge gained from this presentation will guide them towards making confident and informed decisions about their academic future.

Maria Brosnan